step 1.
Next I started the second page of my paper. I wanted to include adverts on this page as in my research it is something tabloid papers use to boost revenue. In my primary research I also found that the two most popular ideas for adverts that would interest the target audience is for nightclubs and movies so i chose to make several adverts for these chosen topics.
step 2
I measure just under a quarter of an A4 page so it would take up quite a large amount of room and be seen by readers.
step 3.
This was the first advert I made for a nightclub I used bright colours to catch the readers attention and a variety of bold fonts to highlight key details such as the name of the club and the entry fee.
- Possibly to bright and busy.
- None of the details stand out enough to make me want to go
- The picture is to small and has little relevance to the advert.
After taking this into consideration i took the picture on the left and cut it out like so...
step 4
•By changing this image I filled up more space on the advert. I also changed some fonts to bolder ones “bedlam” so the key information stuck out but feedback told me that it may still be to bright and “cartoonlike” to be taken seriously as an advert in a paper.
step 5
Taking this into consideration i changed the background to something that is slightly less colourful and loud. Also by changing the typeface of the name of the club it made it stand out more. By only using a select amount of colours it made it more pleasing to the eye and more likely to be looked at be young people. This showed in feed back i received
I like the name of the club
All night all drinks £1 caught my eye as it is in a bright font
The name of the club caught my eye as the font in big and bold i also like the way it goes vertically down the advert.
step 6
Positive points.
large striking image
has ll relevant information of a movie poster
negative points
does not look professional
the information is not written in the conventional font so does not look like a movie poster
the writing does not stand out on the image.
I also made a advert for a movie as this was an idea bought to me during my research but after making it and listening to audience feedback I felt it did not look convincing as a advert for a film.
step 7
I then made another advert for a nightclub this time using a different font for the club name making it stand out. As well as making various offers bold to catch the attention of young people. I then added in the cut out but changed the opacity so it was in the back ground something that I thought was effective.
step 8
•Next i split an A4 page on photo shop into three columns. Then placed two of the adverts at the bottom. Next I made a mast head in a large bold typeface that is linked to the second lead story on the front page. I decided the article would give advice to students on there options surrounding the whole affair. This would be more useful to students and young people as they are the ones being affected by the changes. This is also taking into consideration my primary target research as I found that young people often read the advise pages in newspapers and magazines
positive points
i like the advert on the right bright and colourful
i like the idea for the advise article
advise article links directly to your intended udience
the baner and page number across the top matches your colour scheme in the first page
the box out will make things stand out
negative points
dont think the advert on the left is as affective as the other one-does not look as proffesional
possible have more collumns, personally don't thin three is enough.
•Next I added a box out to the left hand column and planned to put a summery of what was in the paper here. Indicated by the header “what's inside?” again talking directly to the reader and making them feel involved with the paper
•By adding a thin blue banner along the top with a page number it added to the on running identity of the paper.
step 9
•I decided that I wanted to change the layout of my second page so I deleted everything apart from the blue strip and page number at the top, making sure that I saved my article to a word document so I could paste it in at a later date. I then decided to write a brief contents of what was going to be in the rest of that magazine if I was to make it, this was in font size 9 which when printed was the similar size to the font used in tabloid papers in my research I then made a box out to match the size of this. I highlighted the featured articles that were on my front cover in a bright red font to make them stand out and link the two pages together.
step 10
Next I took a photo of a variety of images that linked to the article advising people how to cope with the rise in tuition fee’s. I took a picture of a selection of prospectuses as the people reading this could be going through the process of deciding whether to go to university or not
step 11.
I then added my chosen image to the right hand column and two fifths of the way down the page, then pasted the article in the middle column so it started parallel to the top of the image and below it so the article in either column were parallel to one another. I then added a mast head above this in the centre of the two columns in bold font so it stood out. I also highlighted the questions that may be worrying customers in red so they stood out from the answers.
step 12
•I then added a section in which i got opinions from people who are the same age range as the archetypical reader. This would be useful for the reader as it allows them to see what people in the same situation think. By adding images it makes the reader relate to the people giving them their opinions and more likely to listen to them and find the newspaper useful.
step 13
•I then added another advert for “15% off in a stationary shop” in my target research i found that reader are more likely to buy a paper if it offers them money off vouchers. As the typical reader of this magazine would be a student a stationary voucher would come in handy.
step 14
•I added this advert to the left hand column and then pasted the advert for the club in the bottom half of the page that was left blank. I chose this one as I carried out a questionnaire and this seemed to be favoured by the 20 people I asked.
•I also added a box out around the opinions of the interviewees to make them stand out
step 15
I was then left with a blank space for another advert wanted to advertise a concert of gig so I cut out images of people in a crowd waving there arms and when round the shape using the lasso tool so i could use the paint buckets tool to feel in the outline leaving the silhouettes. This took several attempts
step 16
•I then decide against this idea as it was not working as well as i wanted to. So i drew out a rectangular shape to fit the box and pasted one of the cut outs into it- slightly off centre. I then copied this layer so I had three copies of the cut out but change the colour by placing them on top of one another and smudging around the edges it mad an effective looking image i then decided that the colours I had used were energetic and it could be an advert for an energy release drink as in my research on adverts that appealed to the young food and drink was a popular option.
•Using the paintbrush tool I coloured some areas of the rectangle and smudged it out wards so it looked like a release of energy I then linked this to the name of the drink so it looked like it was being released from the name and the price.
•The use of the bright colours made it look energetic and would catch the eyes of the reader.
step 17
•I then placed it into the space remaining on my second page.
audience feedback
like all the adverts- good haing them in a young persons paper as this is the sort of thing youngpeople would buy
the advise on university is good wouod interest the audience
like the fact that you have asked the opinuions of people who are the same age as the audience
the contents collumn gives the page structure makes it look like a real paper
the use of colour makes it less fomal than a conventional paper- this would attrct te target audince
bold fonts are used to ighlight important information
the dverts split the page up nicely, it does not look to formal or structured, whic again is good as it as the target audiene in mind.
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