Wednesday 3 November 2010

primary research for newspaper

questionnaires and results  for Student paper

Questionnaire and results for advert designs.
1.     Would you rather pay for a magazine and it be advert free or get it for free it to have adverts in to boost revenue?
Adverts                                   free

2.     What colour scheme would be suitable for young women and men ? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3.     What Pages in conventional paper do you like to read?
News                                  entertainment                               tv listings                                     fashion                   
Interviews                       other

4.     What additional pages would you like to be in a paper aimed at young adults 16-25 year ols? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5.     Do you normally read tabloid or broadsheet papers?
Tabloid                                              broadsheet

6.     What paper, if any do you currently read? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7.     Are you more likely to be interested in local news or international?
local                                   international

8.      What name for a young person’s newspaper do you prefer?
Pinnacle                         the point                     stu-news                           report2you

9.     How many images would you like to see on one page of a paper?
1-2                        2-3                                        3-4                               5+

10.  When looking through a paper what news articles do you normally stop to read ?
Politics                         celebrities                          current affairs                             fashion                           
Tick as applicable
1.       When looking through a paper what aspects of adverts catch your eye?
Bold fonts                      bold colours                         pictures                           companies 
The product itself                                    other_______________________________________________

2.       What products do you like to see advertised in newspapers?
Food/dink                       clubs                           competitions                                holidays
Technology                    film/tv                        other___________________________________________

       Do you take notice of adverts in newspapers?
Yes                                   no

4.       On average how many adverts would you expect to see on one page of a newspaper
None                        1-2                          3-4                        4+

       Other comments 

  •     when looking through a newspaper/ magazine adverts normally catch my eye unlike when i watch the TV as I just change the channel.
  •      most adverts in papers are aimed at older people, in your newspaper you should have adverts that would attract young people- (clubs, holiday and competitions)
  •      adverts should be bright and colorful but at the same time not so busy that you don't know where to look  
  •       pictures help us relate to the product i think these are the most important thing on an advert.

I carried out another brainstorming focus group with 16-25 year olds about adverts that should be included in my main and ancillary products:
I found that they should be about
Clothes, shops, holidays, competitions, tuition, food/drink, clubbing college.
There should be
3-5 on a page
To get people to take notice of them they should include
Large fonts, colour, images, bold fonts and finally be advertising products that young people would by after all that is who the paper, website and poster is aimed at.

For my research I carried out several brain storming sessions with small focus groups of 16-21 year olds so I could get some primary information of the things they believed would make an effective product.
The first was a brainstorming session of what springs to mind when the word youth is used, they each said some interesting things that i can bare in mind when creating both my main product and ancillary ones.
They gave me ideas on
Colours- should be bright
Fonts-should be bold
Articles- should be about things that interest and effect young people- e.g clubbing, rise in tuition fees.
Price- should be free
Free give away’s- vouchers, cinema tickets
Life- news that matter to them!!!

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